
// src/app.react.js
const appRoutes = (
  <Route name='root' path="/" handler={App}>
    <DefaultRoute name='home' handler={Home}/>
    <Route name='user' handler={User}/>
    <Route name='assets' handler={Assets}/>
    <NotFoundRoute handler={NotFound}/>



A DefaultRoute will be the matched child route when the parent's path matches exactly.

You'd want to use this to ensures a child RouteHandler is always rendered when there is no child match. Think of it like index.html in a directory of a static html server.


A NotFoundRoute is active when the beginning of its parent's path matches the URL but none of its siblings do. It can be found at any level of your hierarchy, allowing you to have a context-aware "not found" screens.

You'd want to use this to handle bad links and users typing invalid urls into the address bar.