Reactjs in Meteor中文文档

Using client-side modules from NPM with Browserify

Many useful React components and React-related modules are available on NPM, and can be bundled for the client with the popular Browserify tool. We are still working on adding first-party support for using these modules to Meteor core, but there are community-maintained packages that work great!

meteorhacks:npm and cosmos:browserify

We'll use the following community tools to load NPM packages on the client:

You can use these Meteor packages together to load client-side NPM modules. Here's how:

1. Add the relevant Meteor packages

meteor add meteorhacks:npm cosmos:browserify

2. Add the npm modules you want to packages.json

After you have added the packages, run your app once to let some initial setup happen. Then, you should have a file called packages.json in the root of your app. Put any NPM packages you would like to load here. We'll use react-router as an example, and you'll also want the externalify package for step 4:

  "react-router": "0.13.3",
  "externalify": "0.1.0"

3. Add the appropriate require statements to app.browserify.js

Currently, Meteor doesn't support using require to load modules, so we will use a special file supported by cosmos:browserify to enable this. In your app, create a file called app.browserify.js. Inside it, you can require any of the NPM modules you loaded, and export them as "app-scope" variables, meaning they will be accessible in every JavaScript file in your app. For example, for react-router you might do:

// In lib/app.browserify.js
ReactRouter = require("react-router");

4. Configure Browserify and transforms in app.browserify.options.json

Browserify supports numerous transforms, which let you change the way NPM packages are bundled. In particular, you will want to use the externalify transform so that React Router uses Meteor's React package instead of one from NPM. In the same directory as the file above, create a file called lib/app.browserify.options.json defining browserify options and transforms:

  "transforms": {
    "externalify": {
      "global": true,
      "external": {
        "react": "React.require"

Now, you can use React Router anywhere in your app! You can use the same method to load any React component modules you find on

See it in action in the React Todos example app

Module load order

The NPM modules you require are loaded based on where your app.browserify.js file is located. This is why we recommend putting it in lib/, a special directory for files that need to be loaded before the rest of your app code. Read more about file load order in the Meteor docs.

Future improvements

This method of loading client-side NPM code works, but is not ideal in the long term. Some caveats:

  • Your app can take a long time to build because browserify runs every time
  • Source maps aren't handled correctly, so your browser might not be very helpful if there is a stack trace from deep inside some NPM module
  • Dealing with file load order is not as good as just being able to use require directly in your app to request modules

We're aware of these issues and are working on fixing them as soon as possible.